According to Sound Outreach Services, “On any given night in Pierce County 2000 people experience homelessness. This number includes babies, children, teens, and adults. They are victims of domestic violence, people with disabilities, veterans, and senior citizens…Project Homeless Connect provides a starting place on the journey back to safety, stability, health, and hope. Project Homeless Connect reduces the duration of homelessness by providing services that address the basic needs; basic medical and dental care, access to education, employment and benefits systems, chemical dependency assessments, flu shots, haircuts, and much more – all under one roof!”
Please share news of the upcoming event returning to the Tacoma Dome on Wednesday, October 25th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm .To volunteer in the Dental Services area, contact Attendees interested in the dental services are encouraged to arrive early.
Please see below for more details: